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Youth Housing Support



North Lanarkshire Youth Housing Support Service


North Lanarkshire Youth Housing Support Service provides housing support to 16-24year olds referred to us by North Lanarkshire Council.

The service helps young people towards becoming confident independent tenants through a mixture of individual and group work and referrals to other agencies.

Some of the key goals young people work towards are:

Gaining and sustaining a tenancy

Decorating furnishing and making a house a home

Understanding their budget, debt management and how to make best use of a limited income

Managing relationships including family friends and the use of social media.


Groups offered on a regular basis are:

Introduction to the service, positive relationships, cooking, moving on to your tenancy, weekly fitness activity and the allotment group. There are also opportunities to get involved in occasional activities like a football tournament and our women’s group and mens group which run aprox 4 times a year where we look at issues that are suited to single sex groups. Sessions on domestic abuse and how to gain a job have also been offered to us by partner agencies.



Service Information


  • Advocacy

  • Help with budgeting

  • Form filling

  • Help to manage crisis

  • Referrals to other services

  • Assistance in finding furniture

  • Referral to Housing Mediation

  • Introduction to community activities

  • Support writing letters


Support is provided until each young person is able to manage on their own and an exit strategy is then agreed.


The Service operates 7 days per week.


To access the service the young person must fall into the age range, require support to gain and maintain their accommodation and agree to a referral being made to the service via the local housing office.


On receipt of your referral a Barnardo’s housing support worker will make contact with the young person.


What’s the referral process?

Young person agrees to a referral being made to Barnardo’s Housing support service.


Within 7 days of referral Barnardo’s Housing support workers makes contact with the young person, arranges a meeting at a time and place convenient to the young person.


Young person and Barnardo’s support worker develops an action plan (Housing Support Plan) on the type of support required and the most suitable days and times for the young person to meet for the support to be provided.




16-24 YEARS


Office hours


Monday- Thursday 8.30am- 9pm

Friday; 8.30am- 5pm

Saturday- Sunday 12pm- 8pm.


If you wish to find out more about the service you can contact us by calling the office number:  01698 254 951.


Or our dedicated free phone number for young people;

0808 168 2257.



Welfare Officer


Within (NLYHSS) sits the Welfare Officer Samantha Cassells.  This post was established in December 2013.  The main role for the welfare officer is to offer support and advice to young people in relation to benefit maximisation, sanctions and other issues which are affecting them.  Young people can access this service through discussion with their barnardo's worker.


In addition the welfare officer will offer support and guidance to individuals within the local community, highlighting concerns and reporting back to key people.



Services Available:


  • Advice and support with your finances

  • Budgeting support

  • Income Maximisation – making sure you can access all incomes you are entitled to

  • Help with making claims to benefits

  • Help with form filling

  • Support with financial or benefit appointments

  • Help with challenging decisions about benefits or other financial matters (appeals and reviews)

  • Help with rent & council tax arrears

  • Signposting and referral to other relevant services

  • Support and guidance in times of financial crisis




TLC Group


Barnardo’s North Lanarkshire Care Leavers have formed themselves into the TLC Group – The Life Changers.


Initially the role of the group was to participate in research conducted by Barnardo’s to look at the outcomes for care leavers. The group enjoyed the process so much they decided to form themselves into the TLC group and have actively been involved in shaping new training and resources for social care staff and other young people who are in the process of leaving care. This has included participating in the Safe N Sound Training – a 12 month training course aimed at staff involved in supporting young people through the transition of leaving care. The TLC group have also provided feedback to other service providers in the area who have an interest in working with young people who have been involved in the care system. This has included input into funding proposals from the YMCA and ASSIST as well as responding directly to Barnardo’s information request on out of hours support. 4 members of the group will be travelling to Birmingham in October to participate in the Barnardo’s Care Leavers Conference.


The TLC are now focussing their efforts in helping to develop a training flat for young people who are still involved in the care system, this has included joining the steering group of the flat as well as developing practical resources that they feel will meet the needs of young people who are using the flat for the first time.


Members of the TLC group recently enjoyed a day trip to Blackpool, part funded by Barnardo’s and NL Social Work Department in recognition to the contributions they have made to North Lanarkshire Care Leavers over the past 6 months


If you are a young person living in North Lanarkshire who have previously been in care and would like to join the TLC or find out more about the role of the TLC then please contact us on:

01698 254951

Motherwell Town Hall Business Centre

1-11 High Road




Tel: 01698 230242

Fax: 01698 230753

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