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Role of Axis


Barnardo's AXIS Lanarkshire was established In November 2011. The Service provides advocacy, Care coordination and support to young people aged 16 to 18 years, living in North or South Lanarkshire, and affected by their own or someone else’s substance misuse and other related complex issues. the service works in partnership with the Lanarkshire Alcohol Drugs Partnership. The service will accept self referrals as well as referrals from agencies.



We will provide co-ordination, advocacy and support for young people, promoting and facilitating access and engagement with the most relevant services.



How do we achieve this?


  • We will develop a strong relationship through an outreach approach, 'sticking around when the going gets tough', and always responding with dignity, tenacity and respect.


  • With the young person, develop an individual support plan designed to address needs and capitalise on strengths, working towards a unique set of outcomes.


  • Motivating recovery through foundations of hope, ambition and commitment which encourages life skills including coping skills and self efficency while also utilising our knowlwdge of the most appropriate services available to the young person.


  • Acting as co-ordinator and advocate, enabling and encouraging access and engagement with services that will help address young person's substance misuse and other related issues.



What else we do?


  • Support and mentor young people to attend appointments and allow them to reflect and feedback in a safe environment.


  • Support and advocate with other agencies.


  • Help young people understand their own substance misuse by increasing their knowledge, understanding and the impact these may have on relationships, health and wellbeing.

  • help young people understand the impact others substance misuse has on their general wellbeing


  • Assist young people by helping them to become aware of the supports and services which are available to them.


  • Make referrals to any relevant health, social, community services.


  • keep all relevant agencies up to date with progress.




The team consists of 5 project workers, volunteer coordinator, service manager and Team Manager.

All staff undertake a robust training programme covering Health and safety, equality and diversity, safeguarding, child protection all of which are manadatory.  In addition the team are trainined in more specialised subjects such as Motivational Interviewing, Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) treatment Process model and topics relating specifically to children and young people.


Volunteer service


Within Axis sits a volunteer service which is facillitated by the volunteer coordinator.  The volunteer service is separate from the role of Project workers however is a key part in helping young people attain their goals and aspirations set out within their action plan.


The volunteer service, where appropriate is offered to young people who are working with the Axis service.


Like all paid staff, volunteers are trained to a high standard in key areas such as Health and safety, equality and diversity, safeguarding and child protection, with further development available.


Volunteers may be deemed appropriate where:


  • The young person is nearing the end of the service with Axis, however still requires some support in gaining confidence to access  recreational activities.

  • Where as apart of the suport plan it has been identified that a main area for growth for the young person is in relation to confidence building in carrying out daily leisure activities.

  • To help the young person develop skills and hobbies.

  • It should be noted that this list is a generalisation and each young persons need for a volunteer will be considered on an individual basis.




Motherwell Town Hall Business Centre

1-11 High Road




Tel: 01698 230242

Fax: 01698 230753

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