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Family Support



North Lanarkshire Family Support Service (NLFSS): Established April 2009. Works with the 0 to 18 age range, specializing in providing needs led and outcomes driven interventions in relation to complex needs and disability. Funded in partnership with North Lanarkshire Council.  Referral to the service can be made through Children and Families Social Work or directly if you are in receipt of a Self Directed Support Budget.


The services we offer are :


  • Activity Breaks

  • Home Sit Service

  • Holiday Activities

  • Family Support Work

  • Crisis Support                                      


Activity Breaks: providing social, leisure and recreational opportunities and experiences in the community.  Activities are based on focused planning between children, families and staff.  Focused planning encourages children and young people to contribute to their planning and decision making and to develop independent skills.  Activity break sessions are provided after school and at weekends.  Staff support will be provided on a 1:1 or 2:1 basis depending upon individual need.


Home Sit Service: support given to the child/young person within their home environment.  Outcomes are achieved through engagement in activities within the home and also recreational activities within the local community.  This service requires 2 members of staff.


Holiday Activities: Holiday service provision will be dependent upon individual packages of care. Holiday activities  are planned with an emphasis on improved social interaction and social opportunities with peers.  Holiday activities aim to provide a wider variety of experiences and inclusive opportunities.



Quote from service user AF aged 17


“I wanted to come to Barnardo's to help me meet other people my age.  I wanted help in social situations and to have fun”


Quote from service user KT aged 14

"I would like to work for Barnardo's as I've got a lot out of coming to Barnardo's and I want to give back"


Quote from parent

"I am very happy with the service and staff.  It has been a big help to me and my child"

Motherwell Town Hall Business Centre

1-11 High Road




Tel: 01698 230242

Fax: 01698 230753

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